[FE-discuss] Formencode Py3k
Ian Bicking
2011-12-13 17:56:33 UTC
Oops, sent this with the wrong email...
Hi Denys. I've passed on maintainership of FormEncode, and I'm not really
sure if there is a plan for a Py3k version of FormEncode. Maybe one of the
maintainers can chime in?
Ian, hello!
Could you tell me, please, if there any plans for making FormEncode
Python 3k compatible?
Thank you!
Kind reagrds,
Denys Matuzenko
Chris Lambacher
2011-12-13 19:10:44 UTC
Hi Denys,

The current plan is to clear out the current crop of bugs
and do another release that supports all the way back to 2.3 and then
start work on a new version that drops at least 2.3 support (maybe
2.4/2.5 as well). At that time I would also like to work on Python 3
support. My plan was work on any/all of the above on the first sprint
day at PyCon 2012 (so March 12). My schedule won't permit me to work
on it before then if I want to be able to afford to go to PyCon.

That said, if you search the list archives, there was some discussion
about someone attempting a Python 3 branch that had some success. I'll
also examine pull requests if someone else wants to do any of that

If someone wanted to pay me to do the work, that could also speed up
the development timeline, since then the work would fall into my work
schedule and not in my when I have time for it schedule.

Post by Ian Bicking
Oops, sent this with the wrong email...
Hi Denys.  I've passed on maintainership of FormEncode, and I'm not really
sure if there is a plan for a Py3k version of FormEncode.  Maybe one of the
maintainers can chime in?
Ian, hello!
Could you tell me, please, if there any plans for making FormEncode
Python 3k compatible?
Thank you!
Kind reagrds,
Denys Matuzenko
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Christopher Lambacher