[FE-discuss] License change status update
Chris Lambacher
2015-10-03 17:07:39 UTC
Hello Everyone,

I have heard from 47 of the contributors and all the responses have been in
agreement with changing the license. Here is the list of people I have not
heard back from yet:

68 S test ? http://sourceforge.net/u/test/profile/
24 E W. Mark Kubacki https://github.com/wmark
6 T Patrick Hunt, phunt, https://github.com/phunt,
6 T Chris George: https://github.com/chrisgeo
5 E jab Jeff Breidenbach, jab.org
2 E Bo Du: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/bo-du-pharmd/71/293/76b
1 E Ryan P. Kelly: https://github.com/f0rk
1 E Remco Verhoef: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RemcoVerhoef/posts
1 E Oleg Broytman: http://phdru.name/
1 E Nina Plakalovic: https://plus.google.com/109547421364597999170/posts
1 E Martin Martimeo: https://plus.google.com/102119635750966644221/posts
1 E Ira Lun (tried 2 email addresses)
1 B silver_: https://bitbucket.org/silver_/

The first column is how many commits are attributed to that person, the
second column is how I attempted to contact them (S: Sourceforge Send
message button, T: twitter mention, B: bitbucket message, E: direct email).

If anyone knows of a more reliable way to reach these people I would very
much appreciate it.

Christopher Lambacher